Gin Kimpark

Kinetic Sculpture-Installation

The Quantity of Physicality

has been saying about

Outside of time, Weight doesn't exist 


No Swaying, Nothing Happens 2


Objects are Distorted than They Appear



The Place We’ve Been

we witness repeatedly

Balanced; inevitably fragile



Tongue Twister

keeps trying to


reiterating that

Just as Nothing is Perfectly Balanced, Nothing is Perfectly Out of Balance


No Swaying, Nothing Happens


An Awkward Truth

captured by

A Tool for ‘Unmeasurable’


The Flow

emerging through

A Möbius of Inertia


Gin also does do




Rolling Kimbap





︎     ︎     ︎     ︎ +31 6 1695 0653 

©GinKimpark, 2024

No Swaying, Nothing Happens(2022)

Interactive Installation, synesthetic
audio mixer, condenser mic, metal plate, transducer, metal ball, wood box, 3d-print


                     A series of section drawing of sculptures, No swaying-Nothing happens, 2022


Nobody doesn’t know before swaying happens
We are constantly towards our own center.


                     interative installation, No swaying-Nothing happens, 2022

In this work, the disruption of balance is triggered by an external event—the intervention of the audience. Once the balance is disturbed, sounds are generated from the process of rebalancing within irregularly structured pieces and the marbles inside them. These sounds are collected by a condenser mic and then converted from auditory to tactile information using an exciter. The tactile information is transmitted to a metal plate installed on the wall, enabling the audience to not only hear the sounds from inside the box but also to feel the invisible sounds through the metal plate. No swaying-Nothing happens stimulates synesthetic imagination between the visual and tactile senses.

                                                   interative installation, No swaying-Nothing happens, 2022