Gin Kimpark

Kinetic Sculpture-Installation

The Quantity of Physicality

has been saying about

Outside of time, Weight doesn't exist 


No Swaying, Nothing Happens 2


Objects are Distorted than They Appear



The Place We’ve Been

we witness repeatedly

Balanced; inevitably fragile



Tongue Twister

keeps trying to


reiterating that

Just as Nothing is Perfectly Balanced, Nothing is Perfectly Out of Balance


No Swaying, Nothing Happens


An Awkward Truth

captured by

A Tool for ‘Unmeasurable’


The Flow

emerging through

A Möbius of Inertia


Gin also does do




Rolling Kimbap





︎     ︎     ︎     ︎ +31 6 1695 0653 

©GinKimpark, 2024


Kinetic Sculpture
motor, metalic paper, polyurethane foam, sand, wire

kinetic sculpture, Balance-re-balance, 2021

kinetic sculpture, Balance-re-balance, 2021

Buoyantly sitting on a point of the water surface
                          undauntedly even with the abrupt undulance,

The island we have longed for is washing up on us as we blink.

                            kinetic sculpture, Balance-re-balance, 2021

Unlike the non-linear concept of time, the visual image of mechanical time repeats in a cycle of 360 degrees.
Inspired by the journey of a rock rolling down from the top of a mountain, it is a work about the traces left
in the present by a chain of rebalances; balance-unbalance-balance.


prototype sculpture, Balance-re-balance, 2021