Gin Kimpark

Kinetic Sculpture-Installation

The Quantity of Physicality

has been saying about

Outside of time, Weight doesn't exist 


No Swaying, Nothing Happens 2


Objects are Distorted than They Appear



The Place We’ve Been

we witness repeatedly

Balanced; inevitably fragile



Tongue Twister

keeps trying to


reiterating that

Just as Nothing is Perfectly Balanced, Nothing is Perfectly Out of Balance


No Swaying, Nothing Happens


An Awkward Truth

captured by

A Tool for ‘Unmeasurable’


The Flow

emerging through

A Möbius of Inertia


Gin also does do




Rolling Kimbap





︎     ︎     ︎     ︎ +31 6 1695 0653 

©GinKimpark, 2024

A Tool for ‘Unmeasurable’(2020)

Interactive Sculpture
mesh disc, metal, motor, scale, self generator, single channel video, spinning disc 


interactive sculpture, A tool for ‘Unmeasurable’, 2020

In a sociocultural context, time operates according to principles. Mechanical time is measured objectively and consistently, and in interactions with others, it is communicated in this manner. However, conceptual time flows nonlinearly.

In <A Tool for ‘Unmeasurable’>, a video that plays repetitively without a specific narrative and a circular disk with numerous concentric circles serve as variables for the mechanical time by inducing participant immersion. The amount of particles dropped, measured in grams, is influenced by the speed generated when the participant turns a self-generator placed in front of the video. This measurement is displayed on a screen alongside mechanical time.

This is an experiment in interpreting the relationship between unmeasurable time and mechanical time, which is quantified according to a fixed standard.

object video, A tool for ‘Unmeasurable’, 2020
